Google+ Daily Awesome Quotes: Truth


Truth No 1 :
Nobody Is Real In This World Except Mother..
Truth No. 2 :
A Poor Person Has No Friends..
Truth No. 3 :
People Do Not Like Good Thoughts They Like Good Looks..
Truth No 4 :
People Respect The Money Not The Person..
Truth No 5 :
The Person You Love The Most, Will Hurt You The Most !
Truth No 6 :
“Truth Is Simple, But, The Moment YOU Try To Explain It…
It Becomes Difficult”
Truth No 7 :
“When You Are Happy You Enjoy The Music”, But
“When You Are Sad, You Understand The Lyrics”.
Truth No 8 :
IN LIFE Two Things Define You-
“Your Patience” When You Have Nothing…
“Your Attitude” When You Have Everything

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