Google+ Daily Awesome Quotes: Heart Break Quotes

Heart Break Quotes

Heartbreak Quotes I...

&& as I look at you I think,
baby, can't you even just glance back...?
shattered hearts & tattered dreams,
crying angels, memories,
fallen stars & all things blue:
these things make me think of you...

can you even imagine how I feel
when I watch you holding her instead...?
this would be a goodbye,
if you'd ever said hello...
they say you can't miss
what you never had,
but baby I sure can try...
&& I know I could do better,
but I just can't walk away...
lately when I look at you,
you're never looking back...
&& boy you break my heart
with all the words you never say...
&& I don't think you realize
just how many other guys
are dying to be you right now,
or you would treat me right...
remember when your eyes told me
you couldn't get enough of me...?
I recall when they first said
you couldn't wait to leave...
sometimes I wonder what you think
when you look at me now...
do you love me the way you used to...?
somehow I know you don't...
I don't need you to be perfect...
I just need you to acknowledge
that I still exist...
do you think a simple sorry
can fix everything you've done...?
&& now you think you can
just change your mind...?
so take back all your pretty words
& start telling me the truth...
&& I just can't stand to wait here
when I know that you don't care...
so take me, & break me,
then leave me behind
to go search for a better love
that you'll never find...
&& of all the things my heart could miss,
I just want to hold your hand...
&& with a sigh born of a broken heart,
I step away from the ashes
of the memories we never made,
& the love you never felt for me...
you'll have to excuse me;
I'm a little broken at the moment...
&& I know you must have scars,
but you're hiding them so well...
why won't you ever show them...?
am I not worth the trust...?
can't you see I'm begging you
to just tell me your name...?
it seems like all you tell me
is a bunch of pretty lies...
I just want you to stay...
is that too much to ask...?
&& as impossible as it seems,
each day I miss you
more than the last...
&& I still keep your pillow
right next to mine...
& I still hold our memories
deep in my heart...
I thought I knew
what "I miss you" meant,
until I missed... you...
&& sometimes I still turn my head
to where you should be, & wonder
"where'd you go...?"
&& the best kept secret
in the whole world right now
is why you left
& why I still care...
do you ever wonder
what it would be like
to be together again...?
or... have you forgotten
how to care about me...?
&& it's amazing to me that,
after all this time being without you,
you still hold my heart...
and I just can't say no.

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